1. Simulation & testing ideas
2. Statistical analysis
3. Data mining and machine learning
4. Data visualzation (Ben's talk)
Johnson Hsieh (謝宗震)
Postdoctoral Reseracher in Biostatistics at NTHU
1. Simulation & testing ideas
2. Statistical analysis
3. Data mining and machine learning
4. Data visualzation (Ben's talk)
B <- 10000
x <- y1 <- y2 <- rep(0,B)
for(i in 1:B){
x[i] <- sample(1:3,1)
y1[i] <- 1
y2[i] <- ifelse(x[i]==1, sample(c(2,3),1), x[i])
data.frame("keep"=mean(x==y1), "change"=mean(x==y2))
keep change
1 0.328 0.672
要聘請一名秘書,有 \(n\) 個應聘者。每面試一人後就要決定是否聘他,如果不聘他,他便不會回來。面試後總能清楚了解應聘者的合度,並能和之前的人做比較。問什麼樣的策略,才使最佳人選被選中的機率最大。
這個問題的最優解是一個停止規則。在這個規則里,面試官會拒絕頭 \(r - 1\) 個應聘者(令他們中的最佳人選為 應聘者 $M$),然後選出第一個比 \(M\) 好的應聘者。
n <- 8; reps <- 10^4; rec <- rep(NA, reps)
out <- data.frame("size"=n, "cutoff"=1, "successrate"=1/n)
for(r in 2:n){
for(k in 1:reps){
a <- sample(1:n) # rank of applicants
comp <- min(a[1:r-1]) #best one befor rth applicant
sec <- a[n] #Last one
for(i in r:n-1){
if(a[i] < comp){ #choose ith applicant better than comp
sec <- a[i]
rec[k] <- sec
out[r,] <- rbind("size"=n, "cutoff"=r, "successrate"=sum(rec==1)/reps)
size cutoff successrate
1 8 1 0.125
2 8 2 0.313
3 8 3 0.393
4 8 4 0.418
5 8 5 0.387
6 8 6 0.322
7 8 7 0.235
8 8 8 0.120
size cutoff successrate
4 8 4 0.418
訪問時間:102 年 12 月 26 日至 30 日晚間 18:30-22:00
有效樣本:1,025 位 20 歲以上台北市民
抽樣誤差:95%信心水準下,抽樣誤差為±3.1 個百分點
n <- 1025 #樣本數
p1 <- 0.47 #柯的支持度估計
p2 <- 0.44 #連的支持度估計
d12 <- p1 - p2
s12.diff <- sqrt(p1*(1-p1)/n+p2*(1-p2)/n+2*p1*p2/n)
t <- d12/s12.diff
data.frame("差異"=d12, "標準誤"=s12.diff, "Z值"=t, "勝率"=pnorm(t))
差異 標準誤 Z值 勝率
1 0.03 0.0298 1.01 0.843
資料來源:Bachrach et al. (1999)
data(bone) # BMD of 261 north american adolescents
bone[sample(nrow(bone), 8),]
idnum age gender spnbmd
211 106 18.7 male 0.00715
88 48 15.1 female 0.02956
459 342 19.6 male 0.05395
393 267 15.0 female 0.02568
440 315 18.7 male 0.02591
223 111 22.0 male 0.03466
143 68 16.1 female 0.02667
343 214 12.8 female 0.06340
利用平滑曲線法 (smooth splines) 觀察不同性別之趨勢
# 骨質密度成長率 vs 年齡
plot(spnbmd ~ age, data=bone, xlab="Age", ylab="Relative Change in BMD")
abline(lm(spnbmd ~ age, data=bone), lwd=2)
# 以性別分層
plot(spnbmd ~ age, data=bone, col = ifelse(gender=="male", 4, 2),
xlab="Age", ylab="Relative Change in BMD")
legend("topright", c("male", "Female"), col=c(4, 2), pch=1, bty="n", cex=1.2)
# 平滑曲線分析
sp.male <- with(subset(bone,gender=="male"), smooth.spline(age, spnbmd, df=12))
sp.female <- with(subset(bone, gender=="female"), smooth.spline(age, spnbmd, df=12))
plot(spnbmd ~ age, data=bone, col = ifelse(gender=="male", 4, 2),
xlab="Age", ylab="Relative Change in BMD", pch=1)
lines(sp.male, col=4, lwd=5)
lines(sp.female, col=2, lwd=5)
legend("topright", legend=c("male", "Female"), col=c(4, 2), lwd=2, bty="n", cex=1.2)
library(mgcv) #provides functions for generalized additive modelling
dat1 <- readRDS("dat1.rds")
# fit linear model
g1 <- lm(log10(總價)~面積+車位+屋齡+行政區+floor, data=dat1)
# fit addiive model with two smooth terms
g2 <- gam(log10(總價)~s(面積)+車位+s(屋齡)+行政區+floor, data=dat1)
# Compare adjusted R-squared, 越趨近1模型配適度越好
data.frame("linear model"=summary(g1)$adj.r.sq, "additive model"=summary(g2)$r.sq)
linear.model additive.model
1 0.732 0.935
# set dataset, 帝寶格局
new <- dat1[1:6, c(2,3,4,6,7,12)]
rownames(new) <- 1:6
new$面積 <- c(160,160,210,210,260,260)
new$車位 <- rep("有車位",6);
new$屋齡 <- rep(8, 6)
new$行政區 <- rep("大安區",6)
new$floor <- rep(c("低樓層","高樓層"),3)
# prediction
tmp <- predict(g2, newdata=new, se.fit=TRUE)
pred <- 10^cbind(tmp$fit, tmp$fit-tmp$se.fit, tmp$fit+tmp$se.fit)
data.frame("建案坪數"=new$面積, "高低樓層"=new$floor,
# raw data
dat <- data.frame(id=rep(1:8, each=2),
type=rep(c("glucose", "ethanol"), times=8, each=1),
group=rep(c("reject", "mate"), times=1, each=8),
ml=c(2.054, 3.677, 1.626, 3.078, 1.840, 3.378, 2.054, 2.694,
2.054, 2.993, 3.680, 2.223, 2.097, 2.608, 3.337, 1.753))
id type group ml
1 1 glucose reject 2.05
2 1 ethanol reject 3.68
3 2 glucose reject 1.63
4 2 ethanol reject 3.08
5 3 glucose reject 1.84
6 3 ethanol reject 3.38
tmp <- rep(0, 8)
for(i in 1:8) {
tmp[i] <- ((dat$ml[2*i] - dat$ml[2*i-1])/(dat$ml[2*i] + dat$ml[2*i-1]))
out <- data.frame("reject"=tmp[1:4], "mate"=tmp[5:8])
PI.mean <- apply(out, 2, mean)
PI.sd <- apply(out, 2, sd)
errbar(x=1:2, y=PI.mean, yplus=PI.mean+PI.sd, yminus=PI.mean-PI.sd, las=1,
xaxt="n", xlim=c(0.5,2.5), xlab="", ylab="Preference index", cex=1.5, lwd=2)
axis(1, at=1:2, c("Reject", "Mate"))
abline(h=0, lty=2)
install_github('iNEXT','JohnsonHsieh') # http://johnsonhsieh.github.io/iNEXT/
library(iNEXT) # Chao et al. (2014)
source_url("https://gist.github.com/JohnsonHsieh/8389618/raw/qurey.R") # 戰績網查詢
id1 <- clean_lol("ahq_Westdoor"); id2 <- clean_lol("AZB_TPA_Morning")
out <- list("Westdoor"=id1$win, "Morning"=id2$win)
names(out[[1]]) <- id1$name; names(out[[2]]) <- id2$name
lapply(out, function(x) x[x>0])
卡薩丁 雷玟 易大師 古拉格斯 奈德麗 希瓦娜 賈克斯 卡力斯 希格斯 凱爾 逆命
13 3 7 7 5 1 6 3 1 2 23
潘森 塔隆 犽宿 卡特蓮娜 奧莉安娜
1 3 4 1 1
out1 <- iNEXT(id1$win, endpoint=100); out2 <- iNEXT(id2$win, endpoint=100)
plot(out1, ylim=c(0,40), main="口袋深度分析", xlab="勝場數", ylab="英雄個數")
lines(out2, col=2)
legend("topleft", c("ahq_Westdoor", "AZB_TPA_Morning"), col=1:2, pch=19, bty="n", lty=1)
primary = read.csv(url("http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~cocteau/primaries.csv"), head=TRUE)
primary$black06pct <- primary$black06/primary$pop06
primary <- subset(primary, state_postal!="MI")
primary <- subset(primary, state_postal!="FL")
primary <- subset(primary, !(state_postal=="WA" & racetype=="Primary"))
primary.sub <- subset(primary, select=c(county_name, region, winner,
clinton, obama, pct_hs_grad, black06pct))
county_name region winner clinton obama pct_hs_grad black06pct
1 Autauga S obama 1760 2268 0.787 0.1721
2 Baldwin S clinton 6259 5450 0.820 0.0964
3 Barbour S obama 1322 2393 0.646 0.4627
4 Bibb S clinton 922 755 0.632 0.2190
5 Blount S clinton 2735 617 0.705 0.0155
6 Bullock S obama 471 2032 0.605 0.6982
library(rpart) # Recursive partitioning
library(rpart.plot) # Fancy tree plot
library(RColorBrewer) # Nice color palettes
fit = rpart(winner~region+pct_hs_grad+black06pct,data=primary)
c1 <- ifelse(fit$frame$yval==1, brewer.pal(9, "Greens")[9], brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[9])
c2 <- ifelse(fit$frame$yval==1, brewer.pal(9, "Greens")[2], brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[2])
prp(fit, type=2, extra=1, col=c1, box.col=c2, shadow.col="gray")
dat <- zip.train[which(zip.train[,1]==3),]
tmp1 <- tmp2 <- list()
for(i in 1:9){
for(j in 1:7){
tmp1[[j]] <- zip2image(dat, i+(j-1)*5)
tmp2[[i]] <- do.call("cbind", tmp1)
im <- do.call("rbind",tmp2)
image(im, col=gray(256:0/256), xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE)
以Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 進行手寫學習
pca <- prcomp((dat[,-1]))
b1 <- b2 <- round(seq(-4, 4, l=5),1)
image(matrix(pca$center,16,16),col=gray(256:0/256), main="Mean")
image(matrix(pca$rotation[,1],16,16),col=gray(256:0/256), main="PC1")
image(matrix(-pca$rotation[,2],16,16),col=gray(256:0/256), main="PC2")
以Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 進行手寫學習
tmp3 <- tmp4 <- list()
for(i in 1:5){
for(j in 1:5){
tmp3[[j]] <- matrix(pca$center,16,16) +
b1[i] * matrix(pca$rotation[,1],16,16) +
b2[j] * matrix(-pca$rotation[,2],16,16)
tmp4[[i]] <- do.call("cbind", tmp3)
pc.im <- do.call("rbind",tmp4)
plot(pca$x[,1:2], col=3, xlim=c(-6,6), pch=19, cex=0.5, panel.first = grid(6,6,1,2))
abline(v=0, col=gray(0.2), lwd=2)
abline(h=0, col=gray(0.2), lwd=3)
points(x = rep(b1,each=6), y=rep(b2, times=6), col=2, pch=19)
image(pc.im, col=gray(256:0/256), zlim=c(-0.8,1.2), axes=FALSE, xlab="PC1", ylab="PC2")
axis(1, at=seq(0,1,l=5), labels=b1)
axis(2, at=seq(0,1,l=5), labels=b2)
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